
Nov 18 2024

Final declaration of the 8th edition of the West African Farmers' Seed Fair-Djimini 2024

We, participants of the 8th edition of the West African Farmers' Seed Fair, coming from 17 member countries, allies and sympathizers of the West African Farmers' Seed Committee (COASP), gathered in Djimini, Senegal, from November 12 to 14, 2024, to reflect on the following theme: "Seed autonomy and food sovereignty: issues and challenges for farmers' seed" establish the following observations:

1. Farmers' Seeds are the fundamental pillar of food sovereignty

In West Africa, farmers' seeds account for almost 80% of the seeds used in the fields, despite the fact that they are not promoted by governments. And yet, these seeds are the fruit of thousands of years of research and selection by farmers. Because they have survived the ages, there can be no doubting their adaptability to local conditions or their resilience to crises. Farmers' seeds are the foundation of our seed autonomy, without which we cannot speak of sustainable food systems. They ensure a diversified, healthy and sustainable diet for our communities.

2. Policies and regulations are constraints to the development of development of Farmer Seed Systems (FSS) in Africa

The harmonization of seed policies and laws, very often influenced by private players, favors industrial seeds and criminalizes PSS. This approach threatens biodiversity and increases farmers' dependence on multinational seed companies. The adoption of legislation that respects PHC is essential to preserve our genetic heritage. In view of these observations, we believe it is urgent to promote and safeguard Peasant Seed Systems (PSS), the guarantors of our food sovereignty, climate resilience and cultural diversity.

We call on all stakeholders to work together to ensure that Farmers' Seeds continue to feed our continent, enrich our culture, and ensure our seed and food sovereignty. This necessarily involves actions aimed specifically at Conservation des Semences Paysannes. Already at the level of local rural communities, community seed huts are increasingly being developed to conserve local varieties and guarantee equitable access to diversified seeds. It is crucial that our governments support these initiatives to protect genetic diversity, which is threatened by the privatization of plant genetic resources.

In pursuit of this vision, we, the participants of the 8th edition of the West African Farmers' Seed Fair, recommend :

  1. To political decision-makers:

  • adopt policies and regulations that promote peasant seed systems and crop diversity, recognizing the rights of peasants to freely save, use, exchange and sell their seeds;
  • reject all forms of dependent GMOs, which increase dependence on multinationals;
  • invest in training and participatory research, in collaboration with farmers, to reinforce agro-ecological farming practices adapted to local realities.

2. To farmers continue to play their part in the conservation and generational transmission of seeds within communities.

3. Young farmers to become more involved in the preservation of biodiversity and PSS in order to ensure the future of peasant seed systems.

4. Civil society organizations and partners

  • initiate platforms for dialogue between farmers, authorities, researchers and civil society in order to integrate PHC into strategies for achieving food sovereignty;
  • strengthen collaboration between networks, in order to raise the voice of farmers at continental level for inclusive and equitable seed governance.

Djimini, Thursday, November 14, 2024


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We Are the Solution (NSS): A Collaborative Response by Rural Women for Food Sovereignty in West Africa


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